Special APA Patches

When you play in APA Higher Level Tournament Play, there are special patches you have the opportunity to earn for taking on different responsibilities or milestones that you achieve in APA. Here are the special patches that are available in the Southern Michigan APA.
Please note, some conditions/stipulations apply for certain APA patches.  See the details below for each patch.

Division Representative Patch

Awarded for being a Division Representative during the session 

Team Captain Patch

Awarded for being a Team Captain during the session 

Grand Slam Patch

Awarded for earning an 8-Ball On The Break, 8-Ball Break & Run, 9-Ball On The Break, and 9-Ball Break & Run in a session 

Longevity Patches

Awarded for hitting lifetime matches played milestones of 100 matches, 250 matches, 500 matches, 750 matches, & 1000 matches